From obs: "On March 4th around 2:15 PM my partner and I observed a skier (of a separate party that was caught and carried) in a D2 R2 on the Lawnmower in the Absorkas. I believe the slide was released on a buried weak layer (We only observed the crown from a distance). The victim came to a stop approximately 1,200 ft below the start zone and was buried up to his neck. There were multiple tracks on the slope prior to the avalanche. My partner and I skied up to the separate party with the victim approximately 30 minutes after the event."
From another email "FYI big skier triggered avalanche on the lawn mower slide path on town hill today around 3pm. One skier caught and buried to neck and later airlifted out with leg injury. Our party arrived maybe 45 min after the slide and assisted others who were there."