
Displaying page 34 of photos 661 - 680 of 826
Lionhead Range, 2024-01-15

Riders in Lionhead triggered a small avalanche 20' away while "cutting down a hill". Photo: J. Anderson

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Lionhead Range, 2024-01-15

A small crown on an east facing that has been filled in by wind in Lionhead. Photo: Z. Moser

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Cooke City, 2024-01-15

From email 1/14: "A potential crown was observed from a distance across republic creek on the south side of the drainage." Photo: A. Kautzer

Southern Gallatin, 2024-01-14

A small avalanche was seen in Black Bear Canyon on 01/14. This was a recent avalanche that happened today or yesterday 01/13. 

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Lionhead Range, 2024-01-14

From obs: "We observed widespread shooting cracks on all ridges and all NE facing slopes. Cracks would propagate up to 200’ in front." O. Robinson

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Cooke City, 2024-01-13

From obs: "Saw this avalanche today on the North end of Sheep from the Round Lake warming hut. Natural or possible snowmobile trigger" Reported yesterday, 01/12, likely a natural avalanche that happened near 01/10. Photo; J. Mundt

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Cooke City, 2024-01-12

From obs: "A natural avalanche on the east side of Henderson from the Lulu Pass Rd. These likely happened during or near the end of the last storm on 01//10." Photo: R. Youngbar

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Cooke City, 2024-01-12

A skier triggered an avalanche on Miller Ridge from the flats above. Photo: B. Fredlund

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Cooke City, 2024-01-12

A skier triggered an avalanche on Miller Ridge from the flats above. Photo: B.

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Cooke City, 2024-01-12

A skier triggered an avalanche on Miller Ridge from the flats above. Photo: B. 

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Cooke City, 2024-01-12

A natural avalanche on the Fin near Cooke City was observed on 01/12 that happened a couple of days ago on 01/10 during a recent storm. Photo: B. Fredlund 

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Cooke City, 2024-01-12

A natural avalanche on the Fin near Cooke City was observed on 01/12 that happened a couple of days ago on 01/10 during a recent storm. Photo: B. Fredlund 

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Cooke City, 2024-01-12

Recent natural avalanche on the Fin in Cooke City. This likely happened during or near the end of the last storm on 01/10. Photo: B. Zavora

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Southern Madison, 2024-01-11

3-4 cm long surface hoar buried by recent storm snow. Photo: GNFAC

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Southern Madison, 2024-01-11

Cracking while riding in Taylor Fork. Photo: GNFAC

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Southern Madison, 2024-01-11

Cracking near the crown of an avalanche that was triggered from the flats. Photo: GNFAC

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Southern Madison, 2024-01-11

A rider triggered avalanche on a small slope. This was triggered from the flats 10-40' away. Photo: GNFAC

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Southern Madison, 2024-01-11

A rider triggered avalanche that happened on Jan. 10th. This was a small slope but broke 1' deep and is the width of the terrain feature. Photo: GNFAC

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Southern Madison, 2024-01-11

Ian Hoyer assessing the crown of an avalanche that was triggered from flats above while on foot. Photo: GNFAC


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Southern Madison, 2024-01-11

A 12" crown of an avalanche that was triggered from the flats above. Photo: GNFAC

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